My First NFB Convention Experience

My First NFB Convention Experience

Earlier this month, I attended the National Federation for the Blind (NFB) convention in Orlando, Florida. A big thank you to the NFB California affiliate and the Jernigan program for believing in me and sponsoring my trip. I learned so much and can’t wait to bring some of that back home to San Diego.

The convention was filled with a lot of learning and networking. Here are the highlights:

I explored the exhibit hall, did some shopping, and received tech advice from Sam of The Blind Life. I tested an unreleased AI cane device and some really cool assistive technology glasses that I could use for work, painting, and even watching a ballgame. I attended sessions on tactile art, accessible museums, ADA and employment law, business, fundraising, and more. I also participated in weekend devotions, the California caucus, and a sports clinic where I practiced axe throwing (nobody was injured, lol) and played goalball, soccer, and hockey. So much fun!

A memorable moment was dancing to a salsa/merengue band from Miami during our first opening general session. I also reconnected with my friend Steben from the Blind Canvas Project in Tallahassee. We were both surprised and happy to see each other.

I’m incredibly grateful for the new friends I made and the experiences I had. My first NFB convention exceeded all my expectations! I can't wait to attend again in 2025 in New Orleans and bring even more insights and inspiration back to our community. If you're planning to attend or have any questions about my experience, please reach out—I'd love to share more and hear about your own experiences too!



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