2023: Walking for hope to unblur our vision

2023: Walking for hope to unblur our vision


The San Diego FFB Chapter experienced a truly heartwarming VisionWalk in 2023, and I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for each person who graced us with their presence and walked alongside us at the Chula Vista Elite Training Center. This place holds special significance, being the training ground for our inspiring U.S. Olympians and Paralympians. Walking on their track during the VisionWalk was an immense privilege and a momentous occasion for us.

A heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to my incredible friends and family who rallied around Team Unblurred, walking by my side or supporting me from a distance. I am deeply thankful for your presence. Team Unblurred, with 39 registered participants in 2023, received the award for the LARGEST team – a testament to our shared commitment. 
Go Team Unblurred!!!!
Witnessing everyone adorned in matching team shirts featuring my original artwork, titled "Unblurred Warrior," was an overwhelming experience. The smiles and camaraderie displayed while supporting the cause to end blindness were truly touching.
Unblurred isn't merely a word; it embodies a potent and optimistic mindset that enables clear vision in the face of adversity. Though I don't often speak about it, if you peer closely into my eyes, you might notice scars from surgeries and redness from regular eye injection treatments. Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare eye disease without a cure, has been a long and painful battle. The lion painting serves as a reminder that, despite the struggles, I stand strong like a lion – every scar contributing to the person I've become.

As we look ahead to 2024, consider joining Team Unblurred or exploring sponsorship opportunities for the VisionWalk. If you're interested in reserving a booth at our next VisionWalk, please reach out. Your support is invaluable on this journey to make a difference.

With compassion, gratitude, and a heart full of thanks,

❤️ Raquel
Team Unblurred Captain 
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